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Take notes that actually help you remember. MedEasyAI Customizable Study Notes give you a structured starting point while leaving space for your professor’s key insights and your exam-specific details—so you retain and apply what you learn.
Here’s how to get the most out of them:
• Start Simple: Each note is short and to the point, covering a specific topic. Begin by reading it through to understand the core content.
• Add Your Input: Every school and professor has their own focus, and no one-size-fits-all note can cover everything. That’s why I’ve left space for you to add your own insights. Write down what your professors emphasize, add extra context, or expand on the gaps you identify.
• Use the Empty Page: At the end of every note, you’ll find a blank page. This is your space to doodle, summarize, and actively engage with the material. Fill it with everything you’ve learned from the note and anything else that ties it back to your lectures or textbooks.
• Fill the Margins: The margins are intentionally left free for you to jot down ideas, additional explanations, or details you find during your study sessions.
• Active Engagement: Don’t just read—interact with the material. Highlight important sections, make notes of what’s unclear, and revisit the content to find and fill knowledge gaps.
• Review and Refine: By the time you’re done, you’ll have a personalized, high-yield resource packed with info that’s specific to you and your med school journey. Best of all, this note will now function as a powerful last-minute review tool when exams are near.
Med school can be chaotic, but with these resources, I hope to make it just a little more manageable. Let’s make studying more efficient, together.
You can find the topics below
General Surgery
Cardiovascular Surgery (coming soon)
Obstetrics & Gynecology (coming soon)
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